From the beginner to the experience, anyone can enjoy bike rental!
車種、料金 /Bike Lineup
クロスバイク・マウンテンバイク / City bikes・MTB

Recommended for anyone who want to enjoy the ride with light and easy to use.
3時間 3 Hours | 30分 30 min | 日帰り 1 Day | 1泊2日 2 Days | 追加料金/日 Extra charge / day |
¥2,500 | ¥1,100 | ¥4,800 | ¥8,200 | ¥3,400 |
(税込価格)※ 保険料を含みます。/Price inclusive of both local tax and insurance coverage.
電動アシスト自転車 / Electric BIKES

E-BIKE allows you to tackle longer distances with more ease than ever before.
一充電あたりの走行距離(モード別)/Mileage per charge (Each mode)
Power | 45km |
Auto | 54km |
Long | 73km |

3時間 3 Hours | 30分 30 min | 日帰り 1 Day | 1泊2日 2 Days | 追加料金/日 Extra charge / day |
¥3,200 | ¥1,800 | ¥6,600 | ¥10,560 | ¥3,960 |
(税込価格)※ 保険料を含みます。/Price inclusive of both local tax and insurance coverage.
キッズバイク・トレーラー/ Kid’s bikes Kid’s trailer

The kid’s bike which is suitable for 135cm (4’5”) tall or more kids. Let the kids enjoy the ride with you.

3時間 3 Hours | 30分 30 min | 日帰り 1 Day | 1泊2日 2 Days | 追加料金/日 Extra charge / day |
¥1,800 | ¥1,100 | ¥3,300 | ¥5,500 | ¥2,200 |
(税込価格)※ 保険料を含みます。/Price inclusive of both local tax and insurance coverage.
ロードバイク / ROAD BIKES

Recommended for those who first time take road bike. Aluminum lightweight frame with, the drop handlebar makes you enjoy the long ride.

3時間 3 Hours | 30分 30 min | 日帰り 1 Day | 1泊2日 2 Days | 追加料金/日 Extra charge / day |
¥3,200 | ¥1,800 | ¥6,600 | ¥10,560 | ¥3,960 |
(税込価格)※ 保険料を含みます。/Price inclusive of both local tax and insurance coverage.
e-MTB / Electric mountain bikes

E-bike is recommended for those who are not confident in physical strength. You can share the same scenery with friends and family who love cycling.
一充電あたりの走行距離(モード別)/Mileage per charge (Each mode)
High | 42km |
Auto | 54km |
ECO | 78km |

3時間 3 Hours | 30分 30 min | 日帰り 1 Day | 1泊2日 2 Days | 追加料金/日 Extra charge / day |
¥5,500 | ¥2,200 | ¥7,700 | ¥12,600 | ¥4,900 |
(税込価格)※ 保険料を含みます。/Price inclusive of both local tax and insurance coverage.
フルサスe-MTB / Double suspension Electric mountain bikes

If you are an active person and like sports, mountain bike will be thrilling for you.There’s no restriction in mountain bike and it’s gonna be great excitement.
一充電あたりの走行距離(モード別)/Mileage per charge (Each mode)
High | 61km |
AUTO | 75km |
ECO | 107km |

3時間 3 Hours | 30分 30 min | 日帰り 1 Day | 1泊2日 2 Days | 追加料金/日 Extra charge / day |
¥7,700 | ¥3,500 | ¥11,000 | ¥18,040 | ¥7,040 |
(税込価格)※ 保険料を含みます。/Price inclusive of both local tax and insurance coverage.

(税込価格)(tax included)
〜ご予約 /Booking〜
お電話からお申込みの場合 /When registering by phone
Please contact us at the telephone number below and inform us of the representative’s name, address, cell phone number, e-mail address, activity name, reservation date and time, and the number of participants.
阿蘇くじゅうサイクルツアー ツアーデスク /ASO KUJU cycle tour Tour desk
【お支払い方法 /Payment Method】
当日支払い /Payment on the day of the tour:
参加当日、ツアー デスク集合時に現金にてお支払いください。
Cash payment at the tour desk on the day of participation.
- ご利用日の2日前の店舗営業終了時間までは無料でご予約のキャンセルが可能です。/Reservations can be cancelled up to 2 days, during the business hours, prior to the date of use at no charge.
- ご利用日前日以降のキャンセルにつきましては以下のとおりキャンセル料を申し受けます。/Cancellations made from the day before the date of use onward will be subject to a cancellation fee as shown in the table below.
・前日(営業終了時間まで):レンタル料金の50%/1 day in advance (during the business hours):50% of the rental fee
・当日・無連絡:レンタル料金の100%/The day/no notice:100% of the rental fee - 事前のご連絡がなく予約貸出時間から1時間が経過した時点で自動キャンセルとなります。/The reservation will be automatically cancelled when one hour has passed from the reserved rental time without prior notice.
- 悪天候予報※による前日キャンセルは無料といたします。前日の店舗営業時間中にご連絡をお願いします。/Cancellation made on the day before due to bad weather forecast* at no charge. Please contact us during store opening hours the day before.
※悪天候予報とは気象庁が前日に発表した天気予報にて予約店舗地域の降水確率が60%以上の場合となります。/*Bad weather forecast is defined as a 60% or greater chance of precipitation in the reserved region in the weather forecast released by the Japan Meteorological Agency the day before the event.
※10台以上の団体利用のお客様および旅行事業者様向けには別途キャンセル料を定めさせていただいております。/*Cancellation fees are set separately for group of 10 or more and for travel agencies.
ご利用ガイド/ Usage guide

手ぶらでご利用できます。/From beginners to experienced users, anyone can easily enjoy bike rental!
Helmets and gloves are provided free of charge during your rental with us.
慣れない操作も丁寧にレクチャー /We provide lectures prior your bike ride.
If you have any concerns before starting off your ride, feel free to check with us. We can guide you on how to get on and off your bike or changing of gears and any other concerns you have.

安全にご利用いただく為に /For your safe usage
We perform constant bike maintenance to ensure that our customers can enjoy cycling with peace of mind, including safety checks at each rental and replacement of worn parts when necessary.
ご予約から返却まで/From Booking to Return

Web予約/Online booking
- いつでも簡単Webサイトからご予約ください。(PC・スマートフォン)/Reservation can be make through our web site. (PC/Smartphone)
- 出発日の60日前から前々日の15:00までご予約承ります。/Reservations can be made from 2 months prior to the departure date until 15:00.
- 事前にWeb内で貸出要項への入力を済ませているので、スムーズにご出発いただけます。/Once the required information is entered online in advance, it will ensure a smooth transition of your bike rental.

ご来店/Visiting store
- ご出発の30分前までに店舗にお越しください。(受付は10時から開始)/Please arrive at the store at least 30 minutes prior to your departure. (Registration starts from 10:00 a.m.)
- スタッフに代表者の「お名前」または「予約番号」をお申し出ください。/Please provide our staff the given representative’s name or reservation number.
- レンタルには、運転免許証・保険証・学生証・パスポート・外国人登録カード(在留カード)等の身分証明証が必要です。当日必ずお持ちください。/Kindly bring along your identification card (ID card) for verification on the day of rental. Example of ID card such as driver’s license, insurance card, student ID, passport, residence card & etc. Please be sure to bring it with you on the day of your visit.

- 申し込み手続きの後、お会計をお願いいたします。/After application procedure is done, please make a payment.

ご出発/Pick up
- スタッフが自転車の乗り方、保険・補償等を説明します。/Our staff will explain on how to ride a bike and insurance coverage.
- スタッフがお客様に合わせて自転車を調整します。/Our staff will adjust the bike according to your needs.
- 道路交通法、自転車マナーを守ってご利用ください。/Please observe the road traffic laws and bike etiquette.

ご返却/Return of bikes
- 30分、3時間レンタルのお客様は、ご契約時間までにご返却ください。/For customer renting for 30mins or 3Hours, please return the bike based your scheduled rental time.
- 日帰りまたは1泊2日以上のお客様は、17:00までにご返却ください。/For customer renting for 1-2 days, please return the rented bike latest by 5:00 p.m.
上記返却時間を超過した場合は、返却時に料金表に定める超過料金をお支払いいただきます。/In the event that the above return time exceeded the signed contracted time, an excess fee as specified on the fee schedule must be paid at the time of return.