春爛漫の阿蘇をサイクリング! 桜並木の中をサイクリングガイド🌸

Cycling in the Land of Fire in Spring! Cycling guide trip in Minamiaso among the cherry blossom trees🌸


Are you traveling here in Kumamoto? Sakura season is almost approaching!

How about joining us with our special ride event held only in Sakura season?

Part of the course guide covers the “Central City of Kumamoto,” which stretches around the castle town of Kumamoto Castle in Kumamoto Prefecture, is one of the most popular destinations for many tourists visiting Kyushu.





Kumamoto has a climate that values “water and greenery” as a common philosophy, and the townscape was built around the “Shirakawa River” that runs through the city center. Cherry trees were planted along the riverbanks, around the castle, and at temples on the mountain peaks, and over the years, the entire town has been decorated with cherry trees while being watched over by the people.

We will guide you on a guided tour of Kumamoto Castle Town in the full bloom of cherry blossoms and cherry blossom viewing picnic and bicycle tour.

Come and feel Kumamoto during this special Spring season!

目の前に広がる文化的背景をガイドが解説。 学び・感動溢れる旅の時間

Come ride with us learning the cultural background unfolds before your eyes!



〜募集要項/Application requirements〜

Event Date/開催期間: 2023年 4月2日〜4月14日

Participation fee/参加料金: ¥11,000(18歳以下 ¥6,600)

Maximum participants/募集人数: 6名(※最小遂行人数 1名)

タイムスケジュール/Time Schedule:

9:20 集合、全体ブリーフィング/Gather and briefing

9:44 南阿蘇鉄道乗車/

10:15 スタートポイント到着

10:20 バイクレンタル、ライドレッスン/Bike rental and lesson

10:45 ライド開始/Start riding

12:30 お花見/Hanami

13:30 ライド再開/Ride resume

14:40 ゴール/Goal

15:00〜 自由解散/Dismiss and end of ride




【参加料金に含むもの/Participation Fee Includes】

ガイド料、保険、レンタルバイク、鉄道運賃/Guide fee, insurance coverage, rental bikes, train fee

※昼食は料金に含まれません。/Lunch is not included in the price.

【レンタルバイク/Rental bike】



・動きやい服装(気温が低い際は暖かい服装)/Comfortable movable clothes (warmer clothes for cooler temperatures).

・裾の広がっていないパンツ(裾の巻き込み防止のため)/Pants that are not too wide (to prevent the hems from getting caught in the fabric)

・リュックなど荷物を入れるもの(お弁当はガイドが運びます)/A backpack to carry some of items you required

・汚れても良い靴、スニーカー(サンダル、ヒールの高い靴はNG)/Shoes or sneakers that can get dirty (no sandals or high-heeled shoes)


【受付・集合場所/Reception and meeting place】

立野駅/Tateno station

〒869-1401 熊本県阿蘇郡南阿蘇村立野

 Google map→

〜予約方法/How to make a reservation〜

〜参加料金の支払い方法/Payment method〜

当日、受付時に現金のお支払いをお願いします。/Cash payment at the registration desk on the day of the event.



1 悪天候などによりツアー開催が中止となった場合。
2 コロナウイルス感染症蔓延防止等の公共上の理由で開催を行えなくなった場合。

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